IPA: tˈoʊtʌɫaɪzɝ
- A person or object that totals.
- A totalizator (betting machine).
- An adding machine.
Examples of "totalizer" in Sentences
- Disastrously short, and he wonders if the fuel totalizer could be wrong.
- Wisdom of crowd ideas have been used for a while in totalizer based horse racing events.
- The totalizer is the mechanism in the phone that counts deposited coins and sends a tone back to the co for every 5 cents that is deposited.
- If the slug miraculously survives the gamut, it will then strike the appropriate totalizer arm causing a ratchet wheel to rotate once for every
- The totalizer then causes the coin signal oscillator to readout a dual-frequency signal indicating the value deposited to ACTS (a computer) or the TSPS operator.
- Asked about the problem of the voting pattern of a booth becoming public due to the use of the EVMs, he said: "We have developed a machine called totalizer through which we can connect
- A beep consists of 2 tones: 2200 + 1700 Hz. A relay in the fortress called the "B relay" (yes, there is also an 'A relay ') places a capacitor across the speech circuit during totalizer read-out to prevent the "customer" from hearing the red box tones.