IPA: tˈoʊtʌmɪk
- Serving as, or relating to, a totem.
Examples of "totemic" in Sentences
- The "totemic" prohibition in this instance really seems to have a hygienic origin.
- The Shard of Glass is just the kind of totemic confidence booster the country needs.
- By the 1970s whales had become the "totemic organisms of peaceniks, freaks, and ecoterrorists."
- But the stadium also remains a totemic symbol of the ongoing arguments over the legacy of the Games.
- In the form, then, in which it is known, the Iroquois organization cannot be called totemic -- whether it was originally such must be left undetermined.
- Mr Clegg acknowledged that it was "self-evidently extraordinarily controversial" for the party to back higher fees, given its previous "totemic" policy of abolishing them.
- Less randomness and a frantic desire to work in every possible totemic moment from the shows replaced by more focus and seriousness would make The Bardy Bunch a lot funnier.
- Some are totemic and tall and lurch like giant insects, but most crouch low and wide and suggest driftwood, bones, weapons, fossils and animals, especially birds—with wings outstretched—crippled or alighting.
- Her name has acquired totemic meaning for politicians on the right who have cited her in speeches as a bogeyman, even though she has never and, she promises, will never run for office: "I'm just like, really, am I the scariest thing you can conjure?"
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