IPA: tˈoʊ
- The act of towing and the condition of being towed.
- Something, such as a tugboat, that tows.
- Something, such as a barge, that is towed.
- A rope or cable used in towing.
- (motor racing) A speed increase given by driving in front of another car on a straight, which causes a slipstream for the car behind.
- An untwisted bundle of fibres such as cellulose acetate, flax, hemp or jute.
- (specifically) The short, coarse, less desirable fibres separated by hackling from the finer longer fibres (line).
- A surname.
- (military) Initialism of tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided: a kind of antitank missile.
- (transitive) To pull something behind one using a line or chain; to haul.
- (running, cycling, motor racing, etc.) To aid someone behind by shielding them from wind resistance.
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