
IPA: tˈaʊn


  • A settlement; an area with residential districts, shops and amenities, and its own local government; especially one larger than a village and smaller than a city, historically enclosed by a fence or walls, with total populations ranging from several hundred to more than a hundred thousand (as of the early 21st century)
  • Any more urbanized centre than the place of reference.
  • (UK, historical) A rural settlement in which a market was held at least once a week.
  • The residents (as opposed to gown: the students, faculty, etc.) of a community which is the site of a university.
  • (colloquial) Used to refer to a town or similar entity under discussion.
  • A major city, especially one where the speaker is located.
  • (informal) A townhouse.
  • (law) A municipal organization, such as a corporation, defined by the laws of the entity of which it is a part.
  • (obsolete) An enclosure which surrounded the mere homestead or dwelling of the lord of the manor; by extension, the whole of the land which constituted the domain.
  • (UK, Scotland, dialect, obsolete) A farm or farmstead; also, a court or farmyard.
  • (England, traditional, also Town, in phrases such as 'in town' or 'to town') London, especially central London.
  • A surname.
  • A community and ward in Merthyr Tydfil county borough, Wales, in Merthyr Tydfil town centre.
  • (England, traditional, in phrases such as 'in Town' or 'to Town', also without capital) London, especially central London.

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