IPA: tˈoʊpæθ
- A path alongside a canal or river, originally for horses towing barges, now more often used as a footpath.
Examples of "towpath" in Sentences
- "To me, the towpath is a highway for potential customers," Kay said.
- Commuting any distance daily to work in the boat wasn't on; bicycle along the towpath was the transport of choice.
- I finally went for a walk along the canal towpath, which is indeed very beautiful, and only a few minutes outside Princeton!
- Then nothing but the towpath, which is the path on one side of the canal where the mules walk when they drag the canal boats.
- Soon we'll be visiting the Cathedral in Reims, touring the cellars of world-class Champagne houses, strolling the towpath and walking the Chemin des Dames, the women's way.
- Overview: “Stretching 136 miles from Cumberland, Md., to Duquesne, Pa., the trail links to the C&O Canal towpath that starts in Washington, D.C., creating a blissfully traffic-free cyclists 'haven.”
- And if you are looking for an easy (but beautiful!) hike, try hiking the Potomac Heritage Trail from the Key Bridge to the Chain Bridge and then cross the Chain Bridge and return via the C&O Canal towpath.