
IPA: tɑksɪkˈɑɫʌdʒi


  • (sciences, pharmacology) The branch of pharmacology that deals with the nature, effect, detection and treatment of poisons and poisoning.

Examples of "toxicology" in Sentences

  • The conditions that must be met for a GRAS status assignment are very rigorous and include long-term toxicology testing
  • Today, toxicology is a well-studied science and the Poison Control Center would like to replace some of the old tales with established scientific facts.
  • But doing a standard autopsy report, especially if there's involvement with the coroners, it would take assessment for toxicology, that is standard procedure.
  • A medical student doing a rotation in toxicology at the poison control center took a call from a woman very upset because she caught her little daughter eating ants.
  • Presented results from a 281 day non-human primate long-term toxicology study showing no test article related toxicities and a No Observed Adverse Effect Level of 1011 cfu/day.
  • The nurses and pharmacists who answer our hotline collaborate with a group of clinical and medical toxicology consultants, all of whom are board-certified in toxicology and who maintain 24-hour on-call availability.
  • Thus, by giving an enlarged sense to the word -- for words ever strive to keep pace, if possible, with scientific progress, we get our modern and significant expression toxicology as the science of poisons and of poisoning.
  • GENFIT plans to expand its 2009 investment by rapidly launching new phase II trials and long term toxicology studies, with the ultimate aim of concluding a license agreement with a top pharmaceutical company within the next 12-18 months. "
  • The Government and its National Research Council made use of his experience in toxicology, soon after the outbreak of World War II, by sending him to the United Kingdom to determine how Canada could assist if the enemy resorted to chemical warfare.

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