IPA: trʌdˈɪʃʌnʌɫɪst
- A person who adheres to tradition, especially in cultural or religious practices.
- (climbing) A traditional climbing climber.
- Adhering to tradition, especially in religious practices.
Examples of "traditionalist" in Sentences
- He's what's called a traditionalist Catholic, and he's working on this 12-hour epic.
- He really could not be called a traditionalist or a "multiculturalist" (to borrow a term from today).
- And, I mean, this is a view that is actually held by a large number of what I would call traditionalist conservatives.
- The hunter, being a traditionalist, is comfortable with that oldest of American traditions, the conquest of the wilderness.
- He could never be characterized as a traditionalist, but neither is he a radical liberal dissenter as was Cardinals Re, Sodano, and Kasper, Levada, and Hummes.
- Yet by the end of the book the dying Alroy speaks in traditionalist, not latitudinarian, terms of Jewish destiny: ‘My people stand apart from other nations, and ever will’ (Pt10Ch22).
- He spoke of faith and the dispelling of illusion through suffering, but he was no traditionalist, which is why he is probably so misunderstood today by neo-traditionalists like Ashis Nandy.
- A new party, which one might call the traditionalist, had sought to re-establish the old-time order, in the state, in customs, in ideas; to combat the corruption of customs; and of this party Augustus had been the right arm.
- Last weekend's announcement by the Vatican that Pope Benedict XVI has lifted the excommunication order his predecessor imposed on four so-called traditionalist bishops has provoked understandable hurt and outrage among Jews around the world.