
IPA: trʌdˈus


  • (transitive) To malign a person or entity by making malicious and false or defamatory statements.
  • (archaic, transitive) To pass on (to one's children, future generations etc.); to transmit.
  • (archaic, transitive) To pass into another form of expression; to rephrase, to translate.

Examples of "traduce" in Sentences

  • PostLocal ahora traduce nuestras Tweets en español.
  • If you don´t know speek it and you like some recipes, I traduce for you.
  • The pope's visit to Britain has been the perfect excuse for many commentators to traduce secularism
  • Esto, se traduce en puntos separados que traen significativos problemas en el transporte y distribución de los recursos y espacio urbanos.
  • It was, for example, the stock phrase used by the Brown political briefing team to traduce David Miliband's Guardian article in early August.
  • It fuels the putrid political climate we live in and the non-stop attempts since presidential election night 2008 to traduce and destroy the Obama presidency.
  • There was a guy, William Henry, who wrote this book then called In Defense of Elitism, and thought it was kind of reactionary in some ways (some over-the-top language designed to provoke and traduce), I thought it was pretty bracing and mostly correct.
  • You realize of course that from here on in the same flaccids you excoriate will now call you a liar as they lie about you, call you a coward as they hide behind their ridiculous pseudonyms, and traduce you as a neocon, a Zionist, a warmonger and an idiot?

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