
IPA: trˈægoʊpæn


  • Any of several species of Asian pheasant of the genus Tragopan.

Examples of "tragopan" in Sentences

  • Tragopan chicks can fly as soon as they hatch.
  • Tragopan is a genus of bird in the family Phasianidae.
  • The Western Tragopan is mostly arboreal but feeds on the ground.
  • The forests are also the dwelling and protection place of the tragopan.
  • There is already some habitat set aside for the Tragopan blythii to survive.
  • Forest fragmentation in India and Pakistan is causing the continued decline of the Western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus, VU).
  • The largest number of the highly threatened western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) and long-billed bush-warbler (Bradypterus major) are found here.
  • I may put up my own pic in a while: we keep a spiny lobster, a hippo, a tragopan, a Zuni turtle and the latest addition, an armadillo, who looks perpetually ill-at-ease.
  • Some of these species are Blyth's tragopan (Tragopan blythii), great hornbill (Buceros bicornis), wreathed hornbill (Aceros undulatus), and rufous-necked hornbill (Aceros mipalensis).
  • Behind, in the background, is given a view of Temminck's tragopan, in order to show the remarkable way in which these birds display their throat-wattler in the breeding-season. (p. 345)
  • The Western Himalaya EBA has 11 species restricted to it, including the Himalayan quail as well as the cheer pheasant (Catreus wallichii, VU) and the western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus, VU).
  • Koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha), western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus), and Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus) - are characteristic of these sub-alpine western Himalayan forests and have low disturbance thresholds.
  • But in other parts of this unknown land systematic collecting of skins goes on, for bale after bale of impeyan and red argus (tragopan) pheasant skins goes down to the Calcutta wharves, where its infamous contents, though known, are safe from seizure under the Nepal Raja's seal!
  • There are several other high-elevation specialists, such as the Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae), snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa), Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra), lammergeier, and the Himalayan griffon, that also need conservation attention.
  • Other rare and important species in the area of Mount Wuyi include: the Chinese tiger Panthera tigris amoyensis, clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa, leopard P. pardus, black muntjac Muntiacus crinifrons, mainland serow Capricornis sumatraensis, Cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti, Chinese black-backed pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti, the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus, and the butterfly Golden Kaiserihind Teinopalpus aureus.

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