
IPA: trˈæmp


  • (sometimes derogatory) A homeless person; a vagabond.
  • (derogatory) A disreputable, promiscuous woman; a slut.
  • Any ship which does not have a fixed schedule or published ports of call.
  • (Australia, New Zealand) A long walk, possibly of more than one day, in a scenic or wilderness area.
  • (in apposition) Of objects, stray, intrusive and unwanted.
  • A metal plate worn by diggers under the hollow of the foot to save the shoe.
  • Clipping of trampoline, especially a very small one. [A gymnastic and recreational device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric or rubber stretched over a (usually steel) frame using many coiled springs as anchors.]


  • To walk with heavy footsteps.
  • To walk for a long time (usually through difficult terrain).
  • To hitchhike.
  • (transitive) To tread upon forcibly and repeatedly; to trample.
  • (transitive) To travel or wander through.
  • (transitive, Scotland) To cleanse, as clothes, by treading upon them in water.
  • (colloquial, intransitive) To scram; begone.

Examples of "tramp" in Sentences

  • Perhaps the bigger question is: Can we stop using the word "tramp"?
  • In the United States the tramp is almost invariably a discouraged worker.
  • _Tramp, tramp, tramp_, with the smoke and sparks rising; and the big sailor growled again in protest.
  • In safety, durability, and performance, this tramp is a jump above all the rest, ASTM USA certifiably safe for young children.
  • To show how the tramp is a by-product of this economic necessity, it is necessary to inquire into the composition of the surplus labor army.
  • _Tramp, tramp, tramp_, growing fainter and fainter till it died out; and then Private Smithers said, "Hah!" making a great deal of it, and then sighed and smacked his lips as if thirsty, for the water was rippling pleasantly in his ears.
  • The evening's companion to Can You Hear Me and Detective Sketches, Lorenzo's basically a gay version of The Blue Angel, with David Zak as an advertising "creative" who becomes obsessed with the title tramp, a blithely opportunistic teenage hustler played by Paul Raedyn.

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