IPA: trˈænsɫaɪk
- Having the characteristics of a trance.
Examples of "trancelike" in Sentences
- The woman sighed in disappointment, her expression almost trancelike.
- My breathing has caught the right beat for endurance; familiar trancelike scenes glide by.
- "I've my own burlap," she answered, staring into nothing, trancelike, fumbling toward the car.
- Walking induces a trancelike state that allows the mind freedom and ease and encourages exploration of odd possibilities and improbable connections.
- Very few writers induce in their readers the kind of trancelike state, punctuated by frequent “wows,” that most of us associate with much-loved books from childhood.
- The score of Zarkana dips into trancelike drones, live drums, throat singing, organ solos, and one swampy-blues number when the clown goes to the purple bubble-wart toad planet, but you're not going to be rocking out to the soundtrack.
- It seemed to me, in my trancelike state, that the moment in which the doorknob on the scary door began to rattle — the moment when something on the other side was on the cusp of emerging, with the mortals on this side watching in wide-eyed dread — would be a good place to end.
- Chillingo, iPod & iPhone 69p, iPad £1.49 Although sorting animal faces into lines of three or more doesn't immediately sound like something you'd do for fun, Zookeeper's addictive qualities are such that protracted play induces a trancelike state in which the animals almost seem to sort themselves.
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