
IPA: trˈænzʌtɪvɫi


  • In a transitive manner.

Examples of "transitively" in Sentences

  • But the underlying warmth that the characters have for each other and, if transitively, for their school, makes Greendale Community College seem like a good place to be.
  • So, if the linguistic “handle” for the First Decade is particularly slippery, perhaps it will transitively render the things that happened that decade as less memorable.
  • Since this operator could be used transitively by his invention, he could string together a bunch of relationships to “prove” that A is considered harder than C, which was represented as A oy oy oy oy C.
  • You know that America has entered a truly remarkable period when the mere mention of fairness – and transitively, kindness - is vilified by an actual Presidential candidate and backed up by thousands of supporters.
  • A group can only act transitively upon a space with the same dimension as the group itself, hence in quantum theory, the restricted Poincare group has many different 'orbits' upon the state spaces of elementary particles.
  • Souriau and Cushman-de Vries define an elementary system to be one in which the restricted Poincare group acts transitively upon its 'space of motions', (Structure of Dynamical Systems: A Symplectic View of Physics ‎, p173).
  • Now, if the (restricted) Poincare group acts 'transitively' upon the space of histories of a system, it entails that any two histories, v and w, are related by a Poincare transformation g, v = gw, and therefore there is only one intrinsic history.
  • One needs to carefully distinguish the false notion that the space-time symmetry group acts transitively upon the quantum state space of an elementary system, from the correct notion that any vector in such a state space is 'cyclic' with respect to the action of the space-time symmetry group.

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