
IPA: trænsɫɪtɝˈeɪʃʌn


  • (linguistics, translation studies) The act or product of transliterating, of representing letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script.
  • (sign language) The act or product of rendering speech in sign language, or vice versa.

Examples of "transliteration" in Sentences

  • (The Spanish transliteration is in one of the posts above).
  • “Yi” is a transliteration from the Chinese using a system called “Pinyin.”
  • Perhaps U.K. to U.S. English transliteration is to accommodate the perceived audience for the book.
  • Every intellectually rigorous teacher of Kabbalah whom I know of spells the word, in English transliteration, "Kabbalah."
  • Hint, in English transliteration of Arabic, K and G are often interchanged; second hint — what does “Gamal” mean in Hebrew?
  • As a side note, the word "Satan" isn't a name, it is a transliteration of the Hebrew word "Ha'Satan" meaning, "the accuser, or the adversary".
  • According to the latter work, Job had two wives, the first of whom was named Uzit (in Greek transliteration: Sitidos), after the land of Uz where Job and his wife lived, and who, according to the appendix to the Septuagint, was an Arab woman.
  • In Japanese it is merely a transliteration of the English word, not a translation, and I have never seen the Fairtrade mark appearing on Japanese products, so I must say I am a bit skeptical of these numbers, even though the survey was conducted by the reputable firm Macromill Inc.

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