IPA: trænzmʌgrˈeɪʃʌn
- Departure from one's homeland to live in another country; migration.
- A change from one state of existence to another.
- The movement of a soul from one body to another after death; metempsychosis.
Examples of "transmigration" in Sentences
- This is what is known as the transmigration of souls.
- Galilee is as much to say as transmigration, that is to say dying.
- Philosophy majors might know that transmigration is a synonym for reincarnation.
- This doctrine of re-birth is known as the transmigration of souls (metempsychosis).
- They believe in what is called the transmigration of souls, or the passing of the soul, after death, into another body.
- In criticism it may be said that the notion of transmigration is not primitive, for with Tylor Totemism is regarded as primitive.
- Bound up as the idea of transmigration has been with the pessimism and pantheism of India, we are prepared to find that it too is yielding.
- To the educated Hindu, who may not consciously have rejected the idea of transmigration, the doctrine is really now no more than a current and convenient explanation of any misfortune that has befallen a person.
- The Pantheistic tendency which possessed and overwhelmed the Brahminic mind, shaping and tinging its views opened the whole range of sentient existences to an indiscriminate sympathy, and made the idea of transmigration natural, and more pleasing than repugnant.
- By Don Marquis, in "archy and mehitabel," 1927 listen to me i have been mobbed almost theres an old simp cockroach here who thinks he has been to hell and all the young cockroaches make a hero out of him and admire him he sits and runs his front feet through his long white beard and tells the story one day he says he crawled into a yawning cavern and suddenly came on a vast abyss full of whirling smoke there was a light at the bottom billows and billows of yellow smoke swirled up at him and through the horrid gloom he saw things with wings flying and dropping and dying they veered and fluttered like damned spirits through that sulphurous mist listen i says to him old man youve never been to hell at all there isn t any hell transmigration is the game i used to be a human vers libre poet and i died and went into a cockroach s body if there was a hell id know it wouldn t i you re irreligious says the old simp combing his whiskers excitedly ancient one i says to him while all those other cockroaches gathered into a ring around us what you beheld was not hell all that was natural some one was fumigating