IPA: trænspɝˈeɪʃʌn
- (botany) The loss of water by evaporation in terrestrial plants, especially through the stomata; accompanied by a corresponding uptake from the roots.
- (physiology) The process of giving off water vapour through the skin or mucous membranes.
- The passage of gases through fine tubes.
Examples of "transpiration" in Sentences
- This process, called transpiration, is similar to the human cooling effect of perspiration.
- In fact, such plantings are helpful because they stabilize the soil surface and don't interfere with soil transpiration.
- But planting should not be so dense or with a species that will interfere with soil transpiration or evaporation of leachate.
- The net effect of reduced transpiration is that plants consume less water – meaning more remains in the soil and can run off into rivers.
- This order shall be effective in any case in which the travel or transpiration is authorized or approved and commenced on or after September 23, 1950.
- Soil transpiration around a septic system is the movement of oxygen into the soil to aid in the process of breaking down matter and the evaporation of leachate or extra septic moisture.
- Hales conducted hundreds of experiments on plants that demonstrated the flow of sap in the roots and stalks of plants as well as leaf-based evaporation of water (a process known as transpiration).
- Green roofs lower heating costs in cold climates by preventing heat escape from buildings and lower air conditioning costs in warm climates, keeping buildings cool via plant transpiration processes.
- Abbés Nollet and Menon that animals (cats, pigeons, chaffinches) lose weight when subjected to prolonged electrification, the loss being ascribed to increased "transpiration" under electrical stimulus.
- Much of the solar energy that falls on a natural forest is dissipated high in the tree canopy through "transpiration," the evaporation of water transmitted from the soil through the roots, stems, and foliage of plants, a process that consumes solar energy and cools the environment.