
IPA: trænspɫˈæntɝ


  • Somebody who transplants.
  • A machine for transplanting trees.

Examples of "transplanter" in Sentences

  • The driver sat on a wooden water barrel on this horse-drawn tobacco transplanter.
  • (Soundbite of newsreel) Unidentified Man #1: Gus Arnheim, transplanter (ph) to the world-famous Cocoanut Grove in the Ambassador Hotel Los Angeles.
  • A year or two since, a machine was invented and offered to the growers of the Connecticut valley, called a transplanter, of which we here give an engraving.
  • He added a few remarks about O'Brien's grandfather, the "transplanter"; but what annoyed the owner of Elixir most was Mulligan's remark that he had not seen the dog, but heard it was some new kind of German pug.
  • "transplanter" in our part of Ireland, his grandfather being the first of his branch to transplant himself here, and he did not then know much about the higher education of dog, though he is an admirable inspector of schools.
  • Mechanisation of taro culture - recent work in Hawaii has shown that mechanised planting, weed control and harvesting of dry land taro is practicable, planting being on well-cultivated (rotavated) soil using a modified transplanter handling taro setts.
  • Some persons use what is called a transplanter, to enable them when they take up a plant, to remove it without disturbing the roots; but, as far as my own experience goes, I think these instruments are more troublesome than advantageous, and I prefer using a trowel.

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