
IPA: trænsʌbstˈænʃieɪt


  • (transitive) To change one substance into another; to transmute.
  • (transitive) To change the bread and wine of the Eucharist into the body and blood of Jesus.

Examples of "transubstantiate" in Sentences

  • With independent celebrants, you just never know if they have the power to transubstantiate.
  • Before that for example you could be asked whether, in communion, the bread and wine transubstantiate into the literal body and blood of Christ, or whether they are symbols.
  • The plot allows Picoult to transubstantiate her book from an intriguing melodrama into a contrived disquisition on morality, religion and the separation of church and state.
  • The seventh, to names that signify nothing, but are taken up and learned by rote from the Schools, as hypostatical, transubstantiate, consubstantiate, eternal-now, and the like canting of Schoolmen.
  • Kevin Murphy here for finding a rhyme for "transubstantiate"!), and every song not only advances the plot, but are also so hysterical you fear you'll miss some lyrics due to how hard you're laughing.
  • His lively images, full of movement and flickering light, transubstantiate keen ­observations into airy patches of intense, flat color that seem to fuse only momentarily into details of setting, costume and gesture.
  • If a Church defies God's will by unjustly withholding the Eucharist from a vast number of people, do you believe that God would still transubstantiate the Eucharistic bread and wine during the consecration by that Church's ordained ministers?
  • For it is not enough to say, God can transubstantiate the bread into Christ's body, for the Gentiles also held God to be omnipotent, and might upon that ground no less excuse their idolatry, by pretending, as well as others, a transubstantiation of their wood and stone into
  • A singular inward laboratory, which I possess, will dissolve a certain portion of the modified protoplasm; the solution so formed will pass into my veins; and the subtle influences to which it will then be subjected will convert the dead protoplasm into living protoplasm, and transubstantiate sheep into man.
  • However, others said that this witch of our brood is good at least for an outside shot at manufacturing perfection and they stirred and then stared into the eyes of the possibility of gaining the ascension and transubstantiate the current impasse and gaining a increased support for their vital situation, in a word for gaining an advantage against the evil ones.

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