
IPA: trænzvˈɛstaɪtɪzʌm


  • Transvestism.

Examples of "transvestitism" in Sentences

  • Various Paraphilias/Fetishes (Sexual) such as transvestitism
  • There may be more interesting social commentary in my thought process than the idea of transvestitism as sexual identity.
  • Bonnie, I think it's naive to assume that terms like 'transvestitism' won't elicit a strong reaction unless used precisely and accurately.
  • Thanks to that band, my British satin'n'tat/Granny Takes A Trip patchwork boots look had now been augmented with a generous schmeer of transvestitism.
  • ÂThanks to that band, my British satin'n'tat/Granny Takes A Trip patchwork boots look had now been augmented with a generous schmeer of transvestitism.
  • I have to agree with the emerging consensus here that "transvestitism" is a poor choice of term to describe the general act of playing a character of the opposite sex.
  • It never ocurred to me to refer to that relationship as "transvestitism" in any way; probably because their characters were represented by small pewter figures rather than animated, on-screen avatars.
  • Draining off the shock-value of (misapplied IMO) terms like "transvestitism" and "cross-dressing," we're left with the statement that sometimes, by choice or not (based on the game) people play characters of the opposite gender.
  • After "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" came out, a Christian family Web site made a long list of worrisome bits, including "cartoon rear male nudity, repeatedly," "pinching of banner staff between nude buttocks" and "suggestion of sadomasochism in transvestitism."
  • Types and degrees of identification with characters in a game or a character in a play, toys in a chest, etc. remains a fascinating issue, but not one to which we can justifiably attach labels like 'transvestitism' or even necessarily full immersion and identification.

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synonyms for transvestitismdescribing words for transvestitism

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