IPA: trˈæpɪŋz
- Clothing or equipment; that which gives the appearance of something.
- Ornamental coverings or harnesses for a horse; caparisons.
Examples of "trappings" in Sentences
- She claims that while a gerund has certain trappings of a verb, it is actually a noun.
- Capitalism, with all its trappings, is the dominant financial model for the entire world.
- Capitalism, with all it’s trappings, is the dominant financial model for the entire world.
- The Nabobs are getting close to their moment of power and, of course, power comes with certain trappings, one of which must needs be a Palace.
- The ones that really bother me, and seem to be on the decline, are the Tolkeinesque stories, but even the more modern sword and sorcery stuff, that avoids the Tolkein trappings, still has the quests and heirs and stuff that just gets old, even before it starts.