IPA: trˈizʌn
- The crime of betraying one’s own country.
- An act of treachery, betrayal of trust or confidence.
Examples of "treason" in Sentences
- It all depends what your definition of "treason" is ...
- And to call it treason is to rob the word of all meaning.
- Firstly I would using say that the term treason is highly inappropiate and irresponsible.
- That deserves its own form of recognition in law, and 'treason' is the offense which best captures it.
- Technically a country can be treasonous because the primary definition of "treason" is "the betrayal of a trust."
- Perry's very loose and dangerous use of the term "treason" is something that brought him criticism from many corners - just not Republican primary voters.
- We find by experience, that it punishes them very freely for what it calls treason and rebellion, which, it seems, according to this system, reduces itself to common injustice.