
IPA: trˈitʌd


  • Subject to treatment or an action.

Examples of "treated" in Sentences

  • Their goal, as we all know, is to ensure the unborn remain treated as a commodity.
  • The diagnosis and the respect with which it was treated is typical I guess of the progressive era.
  • For Leite de Cobra [pt], the way in which the non-arrival of the airbus and supposed disaster has been treated is outrageous:
  • Note that in ˜Pat thinks Chris treated himself/him™, the antecedent of ˜himself™ must be the subject of ˜treated™, while the antecedent of ˜him™ must not be.
  • Jha said past estimates of malaria deaths have mostly been done in treated patients in hospitals or health clinics, so experts are unlikely to find many deaths.
  • After an average of 466 days of continuous ADHD pharmacotherapy, weight change in treated subjects was - 12% of initial weight versus a 3% weight gain in controls.
  • •treated him right before the day of judgment; but he cannot make every person know and see, that he has treated all other creatures right, without calling them all together and fully opening his conduct to - % vards them and their conduct towards him and one another.
  • In this vein, treating other people as you would want to be treated is perhaps still not the most ethical approach on some level since it rather egotistically assumes that the other person is just like you and would want to be treated the same way … when this might not necessarily be the case at all.
  • Apparently the average club thought nothing of disposing of the works of the Victorian poets in one afternoon; the Italian Renaissance was “fully treated and most ably discussed, ” according to one programme, at a single meeting; Rembrandt and his school were likewise disposed of in one afternoon, and German literature was “adequately treated” at one session “in able papers.

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