
IPA: trɪbˈʌtʃʌt


  • A medieval siege engine consisting of a large pivoting arm heavily weighted on one end.
  • A torture device for dunking suspected witches by means of a chair attached to the end of a long pole.


  • To shoot with a trebuchet.

Examples of "trebuchet" in Sentences

  • Nevertheless, any time that you get to use the word "trebuchet" is good.
  • But a trebuchet is not just a catapult - plus seeing one in action is a sight to behold.
  • In last year's competition, most teams used a fancy catapult, an ancient weapon also known as a trebuchet.
  • I'm told there are different disciplines in the sport, including throwing, catching, target practice, and hoisting eggs into the air with a contraption called a trebuchet.
  • But Jordan Shoulders, Kevin Rutherford and Kenny Gamblin based theirs on a design called a trebuchet that used a system of counterweights, even making the brick-sized weights themselves using concrete.
  • Hi! working on this myself! player names are in trebuchet font slightly thicker with modified letter i's. working on numbers! any fonts appreciated esp. epl, puma 2008, adidas 2006 pparke@hotmail.
  • Thus, a trebuchet is a form of catapult (as is the steam-powered unit that throws F14's off the deck of the Nimitz, but I digress) However in wargame usage the two (catapult and trebuchet) are totally different.
  • The trebuchet is a type of catapult designed with a pivoting arm that can throw objects at great distances depending on the height of the structure, the length of the throwing arm, the weight of the counterweight, and the weight of the object being thrown, among many other variables.

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