
IPA: trˈɛmjʌɫʌs


  • Trembling, quivering, or shaking.
  • Timid, hesitant; lacking confidence.

Examples of "tremulous" in Sentences

  • I recalled the tremulous hand that he had offered me.
  • He spoke – but no soft voice in tremulous whispers, replied.
  • As the teacher read on, her color changed, and a kind of tremulous agitation came over her.
  • Pool clapped his hands, and the little maid ran out of the house to him in tremulous, fluttery haste.
  • Greatly daring, he had himself written to Veranilda; in brief terms, but every word tremulous with his passion.
  • She lowered her eyelids, and the deeper breathing of her bosom gave to her voice when she did speak a tremulous tone: --
  • Sauvages, by this just distinction, actually separates this kind of tremulous motion, and which is the kind peculiar to this disease, from the Genus Tremor.
  • But, just a suggestion, I wouldn't use "tremulous" that early in a book, the people picking the book up at the store that are glancing at the first few paragraphs to see if they like the writing may put it down because they may think it's over their heads.
  • In the first gush of our sorrow and our indignation because of this atrocity, we waited not for any official prompting to pour forth our grief in tremulous, glowing words of mingled emotion, as the irrepressible bidding of our hearts draped our homes and our sanctuaries in the weeds of a national funeral.

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