IPA: trˈɛspæsɝ
- One who trespasses; an interloper.
Examples of "trespasser" in Sentences
- Carter secures pardon for US 'trespasser' in N Korea
- The outraged protesters pulled the fence away and sprayed 'trespasser' on the container.
- The man, whom Caltrain described as a trespasser, was struck by southbound train No. 236 at
- We highlight the proposed legislation in Arizona which if passed will make every undocumented worker in the state a criminal "trespasser".
- When any trespass is done against us, it is good to remember that the trespasser is a brother, which furnishes us with qualifying consideration.
- If the trespasser is a child, you face a greater risk of liability, especially if the child was drawn to your property by an “attractive nuisance,” such as a pond or high tower or some fascinating machine.