
IPA: trˈaɪbʌd


  • A woman who engages in sexual activity with another woman; a lesbian.

Examples of "tribade" in Sentences

  • This called for that once a month specialty, tribade toast.
  • ‘‘Lacedæmonius for a pathic and other writers apply it to a tribade.
  • Second, I wonder whether or not it makes sense to attempt to construct, from whatever resemblances there might be between "the tribade" and
  • very NSFW . . . well, it's a short for tribadism after the old term tribade, lesbian, and describes the practice of rubbing female genetalia against each other.
  • Hence the male féminisme whereby the man becomes patiens as well as agens, and the woman a tribade, a votary of mascula Sappho,364 Queen of Frictrices or Rubbers.
  • I sometimes think that historical research on early modern Europe relies so heavily on forensic archives that it seems to retry accused sodomites (and the occasional tribade).
  • Madame de Lamballe, who was guillotined at the Revolution, was popularly regarded as a tribade, and it was said that on this account her charming head received the special insults of the mob.
  • The Republican Party known for its tribade salaciousness and back door buggery took another severe hit today after the president came out of the closet and admitted to an affair with former Florida congressman, Mark Foley.
  • At the same time she gently placed her hand on Ethel's cunt, and commenced to suck one of her nipples, whilst one finger was titillating her companion's incipient clitoris, which, although so small as to be scarcely visible, was tremendously sensitive to these tender and lascivious touches by such an experienced tribade.
  • Moreover, Lanser seems to be elaborating the tension that Traub discerns in English Renaissance discourses between the figure of the tribade and the figure of the friend, the former being a monstrous image of sex and gender deviance while the latter embodies the possibility of a female homoeroticism contained within the bounds of virtue and the canons of femininity.

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