IPA: trˈɪtʃˈaɪnʌ
- Any of several parasitic roundworms, of the genus Trichinella, that infect the intestines and cause trichinosis
Examples of "trichina" in Sentences
- There was an excitement, just then, about the trichina germ in pork, and one of his memoranda says:
- It sometimes contains a parasite called trichina, which may be transferred to the human system, producing disease and often death.
- These developed in the alimentary tract of the cockroaches into larvae, which, like the trichina, were distributed into the muscles of the insects where they become encapsulated.
- Intestinal trichina that produces young; 2. a young trichina pushes into a muscle; 3. young trichinae; 4. muscle with trichinae in cysts; 5. living; 6. dead trichinae in cysts enlarged.
- Upon awakening, should not the "ridiculous man," having been admitted to an earthly paradise only to act in it as the agent of corruption — "a horrible trichina, a germ of the plague" — finally carry out his initial resolve to kill himself?
- In the case of the larger parasites, such as the tapeworms and the trichina, there is a direct interchange of disease with animals, certain phases of the life cycle of the organisms are passed in man and others in various of the domestic animals.
- There is the trichina spiralis, which really exists, although the German pork-butchers denounce the story as a "pig lie;" the ordinary intestinal worm, which disports itself, eel-like, in the Alimentary Canal; and the tape worm, of two varieties, one of which performs its circumlocutory antics in the human stomach, and the other in the government Bureaux at