
IPA: trˈɪtʃʌtˈɪɫoʊmˈeɪniʌ


  • A medical disorder where someone compulsively pulls their own hair out.

Examples of "trichotillomania" in Sentences

  • But rather than indulge in trichotillomania, do something about it.
  • The 190-page book is a testimony of her life and her hair-pulling habit, called trichotillomania, or "trich."
  • Chloe was diagnosed with a condition called trichotillomania around the time she started sixth grade at Roosevelt Middle School in 2010.
  • Often a harmless habit, in its most extreme form, the urge to constantly twirl or pull at hair is called trichotillomania, and it can lead to bald spots or thinning hair.
  • The BBC has a news story on the genetics of a disorder called trichotillomania compulsive hair-pulling that typifies the way genetics discoveries are reported in the media.
  • TUESDAY, July 7 (HealthDay News) -- A common health-food supplement might help ease the urges of people with a compulsive hair-pulling disorder called trichotillomania, U.S. researchers report.
  • Parrots compulsively pluck their own feathers; dogs repetitively lick a paw or other fixed spot; humans develop a condition known as trichotillomania, in which they pull out strands of their hair.
  • "The story starts with a mouse mutant that has a very unusual behavior, which is very similar to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder in humans called trichotillomania, when patients compulsively remove all their body hair," explained Capecchi, who is a distinguished professor of human genetics and biology at the University of Utah School of Medicine and an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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