
IPA: traɪkroʊmˈætɪk


  • Involving three colours.
  • Able to perceive three primary colours.

Examples of "trichromatic" in Sentences

  • Such as the finding that primates apparently traded olfactory receptor genes for trichromatic vision.
  • Long ago, before the dinosaurs, our early fish-like ancestors had trichromatic vision (three cone receptors).
  • People had trichromatic vision, acute aural capacities, a fair sense of smell, the ability to feel textures and taste bitterness.
  • This explains why primates are the only mammals who have trichromatic vision - it is a trait mostly found in birds and reptiles (dinosaur descendents).
  • Not that I bought that conclusion (trichromatic vision is another extremely interesting poke full of NDS Anazi Tales), but it was another fine stone for the soup.
  • In addition, while we base our 'trichromatic' color combinations on red, blue, and green, bees base their colors on UV, blue, and green a much richer type of light.
  • Even then, it's mostly old-world primates who are trichromatic; for new-world monkeys, only some females (depending on individual inheritance rather than species) are trichromatic.

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