IPA: traɪkɫˈɪnɪk
- (crystallography) Having three unequal axes all intersecting at oblique angles.
Examples of "triclinic" in Sentences
- · Fixed Wyckoff database for non-conventional complex lattices of triclinic space groups.
- The crystal structure of the acid is triclinic, meaning its crystal system has 7 lattice points.
- In the sixth and last system, the triclinic -- or anorthic, or asymmetric -- the axes are again three, but in this case, none of them are equal and none at right angles.
- Beginning with the highest, we have -- (1) the cubic system, with nine planes of symmetry; (2) the hexagonal, with seven planes; (3) the tetragonal, with five planes; (4) the rhombic, with three planes; (5) the monoclinic, with one plane; (6) the triclinic, with no plane of symmetry at all.
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