IPA: traɪˈɛniʌɫ
- A third anniversary.
- A plant that requires three years to complete its life-cycle.
- Happening every three years.
- Lasting for three years.
Examples of "triennial" in Sentences
- Not surprisingly, leading companies like Microsoft support a triennial "say on pay" vote, as the law allows.
- However, important factors such as triennial property assessments and the homestead property tax cap, which limits taxable AV growth to
- In return, as the licence holder of the Virgin brand, he receives annual or triennial fees that can amount to hundreds of millions over time.
- The triennial Shoebox event marks its 10th exhibition March 1 through April 9 at the University of Hawaiʻi Art Gallery before going on the road.
- Spot foreign-exchange volume world-wide totals about $1.49 trillion a day, according to the Bank for International Settlements latest triennial survey.
- The Finns won attention with their performances in triennial tests sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group funded by 30 countries that monitors social and economic trends.
- A central issue at the triennial general assembly of the U. N.'s International Civil Aviation Organization is European Union efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions from airplanes by including them in its cap-and-trade system.
- Gammill, we should note, hosted Groening's highly attended talk last weekend as part of Ohio State University's triennial Festival of Cartoon Art. "After our talk on Saturday night, we were rushed out of the auditorium and into a car that zoomed away," Gammill tells us.
- The Anglican Church of Canada is pleased to announce that for the first time in its 117 year history, General Synod is offering religious based organizations and affiliates the opportunity to support its triennial national convention through a variety of unique sponsorship initiatives.