
IPA: trˈɪgʌnʌɫ


  • Having three angles and three sides, triangular.
  • (crystallography) Of or pertaining to a crystal system with three equal and equally inclined but not perpendicular axes.
  • (anatomy) Relating to the trigone

Examples of "trigonal" in Sentences

  • The horns are trigonal, laterally compressed and knotted on the upper edge.
  • Pure corundum is a colorless, trigonal crystal with a hardness between that of emerald and diamond.
  • Both have identical major ion chemistry CaCO3 but different structures: calcite is trigonal whilst aragonite is orthorhombic.
  • [VENUS LATILIRATA] Shell sub-trigonal, thick and ponderous for its size; ribs fine, concentric, and very thick; irregularly stirate, crenulate upon the lower margin; umbo slightly flattened.
  • "The general form is trigonal, or wedge form, valves closed, front produced, posterior short; margins usually crenulated; hinge teeth 2 -- 2; laterals 1 -- 1 in each valve; pallial sinus deep."
  • The newest - and possibly the best - blue pigment in world history was born, due to manganese ions being structured in an unusual "trigonal bipyramidal coordination" in the presence of extreme heat.
  • Moreover, some evidence suggests a cardiomyogenic differentiation capacity of MPCs, revealing the capacity to generate quadri - or trigonal cells positive for α-actinin and troponin I (data not shown).
  • Horns very large, depressed and sub-trigonal at the base, attached to the highest line of the frontals, inclining upwards and backwards, conical towards the tip and bending upwards; muffle large, square.
  • -- Here there is rotation of one portion with respect to the other through 180° about the principal (trigonal) axis, which is perpendicular to the plane c (111); or the same result may be obtained by reflection across this plane.
  • Hornberg A, Tunemalm AK, Ekstrom F (2007) Crystal structures of acetylcholinesterase in complex with organophosphorus compounds suggest that the acyl pocket modulates the aging reaction by precluding the formation of the trigonal bipyramidal transition state.

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