IPA: trˈɪpɪŋɫi
- In a tripping manner, or while tripping
- In a manner that is lively or fluid.
Examples of "trippingly" in Sentences
- Aside from not rolling trippingly off the tongue, I found that many women took issue with the word goddess.
- It says less than the original, but says it better, which matters more: it is easy to remember and falls trippingly from the tongue.
- I was completely absorbed in it, totally enjoying my sojourn in its multilayered, trippingly written, disciplined, and astutely observed world.
- One big difference: the expression "business model" wasn't even invented in Diaghilev's lifetime, whereas it falls trippingly from the tongues of Mossbrucker and Malaty.
- A far more important passage to review from time to time is Hamlet's instructions to the actors in Act III, Scene II: Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue.
- Students memorize poems and find they are pleased that they can speak, trippingly, the lines, "We real cool" or "Whose woods these are I think I know" or "In the room the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo."
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