IPA: trˈaɪsʌmi
- (cytology) The presence of three copies, instead of the normal two, of a particular chromosome of an organism.
Examples of "trisomy" in Sentences
- Bella Santorum, 3, suffers from a rare and life-threatening disorder known as trisomy 18.
- The baby had a serious chromosomal problem called trisomy 18, and Helen had to terminate the pregnancy.
- The doctors soon discovered that he had multiple physical problems due to a genetic condition called trisomy 18.
- Down syndrome, also called trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder first reported in 1866 by J. Langdon Down, a British physician.
- Alzheimer's disease patients harbor some cells with three copies of chromosome 21, known as trisomy 21, instead of the usual two.
- Bella Santorum was born with a genetic disorder called trisomy 18 - or Edwards syndrome - which results in severe disabilities and abnormalities.
- ROWLAND: Sam Strickland (ph) and Mandy Lemky's (ph) son was born with a deadly chromosomal disorder, known as trisomy 18, instead of two chromosome 18s, he had three.
- Antoneta Granic and team in their study "Alzheimer Ab Peptide Induces Chromosome Mis-segregation and Aneuploidy, including Trisomy 21; Requirement for Tau and APP," published in Molecular Biology of the Cell, provided the mechanism behind previous work by Potter's laboratory showing that all Alzheimer's disease patients harbour some cells with three copies of chromosome 21, known as trisomy 21, a characteristic shared by all the cells in people with the birth defect Down syndrome.