
IPA: trˈaɪtɫi


  • In a trite manner.

Examples of "tritely" in Sentences

  • Intriguing, but some of it borders on the tritely aphoristic.
  • Or, perhaps more accurately (if somewhat tritely), a journey.
  • To be more concise, if my sentiment was tritely condensed to a bumper sticker, it might look something like this:
  • Thus Joy Molineau spoke her mind to Jack Harrington, even as she had spoken it, but more tritely and in his own tongue, to Louis Savoy the previous night.
  • It has really only been going backwards, relying either on splashy effects or psychological conundrums handled so tritely that they barely seem related to 2001 at all.
  • But the three sisters at the centre of the action are tritely characterised: one ice-maiden politician, one off-the-rails but right-minded student, and one hypersensitive and pregnant.
  • The question is tritely posed: if businessmen from the two countries can trade with each other – the volume of bilateral trade quadrupled over five years – then why can't their politicians?
  • His last pornographic novel, the tritely named Paris Sixty-Nine, evidently took inspiration from the capital and, with mutterings from within Labour of a withdrawal of the whip, Bell may well have even more time to bash out that sequel.60% of British 15-year-olds... ... read for pleasure.

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