
IPA: trˈaɪtnʌs


  • (uncountable) The state or quality of being trite.
  • (countable) The result or product of being trite, or an instance of being trite.

Examples of "triteness" in Sentences

  • Even the most obvious triteness is acceptable, provided it comes with a postmodern wink.
  • That said, the triteness of the revelations does not make the outrage they've triggered any less real.
  • Even the prose, translated from the Danish into a sturdily plainspoken English by Charlotte Barslund and Emma Ryder, veers to triteness.
  • There's one sex scene which possibly stumbles over the boundary between satire and triteness, but this is a small misstep in an otherwise admirable undertaking.
  • One convention of the superhero movie I wholeheartedly approve, for all its triteness, is the dramatic confrontation between the hero and his nemesis, the former turning the tide just as it looks like he’s beat and all that.
  • "Do you think," said she to Godolphin, who stood beside her, "that there lives any one who could behold these countless monuments of eternal glory, and not sigh to recall the triteness, or rather burn to rise from the level, of our ordinary life?"
  • "Do you think," said she to Godolphin, who stood beside her, that there lives any one who could behold these countless monuments of eternal glory, and not sigh to recall the triteness, or rather burn to rise from the level, of our ordinary life? "
  • *** Bill Rauch, Oregon Shakespeare's artistic director, is equally enamored of high-concept productions, and no less adept than Ms. Dehnert at charging his concepts with theatrical life—though on paper they sometimes seem obvious to the point of triteness.

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