IPA: trˈʌbʌɫsʌm
- Causing trouble or anxiety
Examples of "troublesome" in Sentences
- He is the most troublesome of the brothers.
- Max and Monty are the devious and troublesome twins.
- Part from the descendents are troublesome and boastful.
- Robbie is the youngest of the three and can be troublesome.
- She is merely inauspicious and troublesome, but not terrifying.
- Max and Monty are the devious and troublesome Dump truck twins.
- In many reactions even the naming of the reaction is troublesome.
- The aftermath of the siege was to prove troublesome for Pausanias.
- More troublesome were the continued failures of the Peregrine engine.
- He was the mayor during the most troublesome period of the United States.
- What actually troublesome is Lieberman's continues appearance with McCain.
- Killing animals, whether or not troublesome, is far less troublesome than suffering.
- Equally, troublesome is the passive attitude of all the women newscasters and political pundits on CNN.
- More troublesome is the administration's tactic to pull out just before a judge decides an issue thus rendering the case moot.
- Particularly troublesome is U.S. help, as President Ali Abdullah Saleh tries to balance the myriad allegiances of the country's tribes, many of them strongly anti-American.
- SWEENEY: Well, I'm quoting here from "The International Herald Tribune," or at least paraphrasing, saying that while people and reporters were aware that a propaganda campaign was underway quite quickly by the Chinese authorities, that many journalists approved of upbeat stories based on national unity, and to the avoidance of what they call troublesome issues.
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