IPA: trˈuɪzʌm
- A self-evident or obvious truth.
- A banality or cliché.
Examples of "truism" in Sentences
- The truism is that "correlation is not causation."
- As I say, this is a truism, but, in our avid search for originality, it is sometimes forgotten that a truism is also true.
- It made no sense for anyone to say this to me because *I* was proof that the "truism" -- or some kind of "ism", anyway -- was crap.
- Besides the surface record as depicted by the climate science orthodoxy, another truism is the depicted record of Arctic sea ice extent.
- Unfortunately, it has come to a point that a good test of a political "truism" is that, if a partisan Republican running for or holding office proclaims it, it is probably not true.
- And in spite of the obvious leaps beyond reality that shows like “Law & Order” take, one thing that is a truism is the cozy relationship between the police, district attorneys and judges.
- By the way, one truism is that people in the popular media tend to view a large number of job losses as more newsworthy than an equivalent number of job additions, particularly if the former are concentrated in some way (in a particular firm, industry, locale, or so on).
- And, we realized the old truism from the original cytogenetics which was that the telomere is really important for protecting ends and, as you might expect, the cell actually devotes all sorts of machinery to make sure that never goes wrong, or goes wrong as little as possible.
- Before deciding what course to take, Mr. Cameron should recall a truism borne out by the darker chapters of Britain's long island story, including its lack of European allies when the American colonies rebelled or Neville Chamberlain's near-disastrous attempt to stand aloof from the continent in the 1930s.