
IPA: trˈuθ


  • True facts, genuine depiction or statements of reality.
  • Conformity to fact or reality; correctness, accuracy.
  • The state or quality of being true to someone or something.
  • (archaic) Faithfulness, fidelity.
  • (obsolete) A pledge of loyalty or faith.
  • Conformity to rule; exactness; close correspondence with an example, mood, model, etc.
  • That which is real, in a deeper sense; spiritual or ‘genuine’ reality.
  • (countable) Something acknowledged to be true; a true statement or axiom.
  • (physics, dated) Topness; the property of a truth quark.
  • (games) In the game truth or dare, the choice to truthfully answer a question put forth.


  • (obsolete, transitive) To assert as true; to declare; to speak truthfully.
  • To make exact; to correct for inaccuracy.
  • (nonstandard, intransitive) To tell the truth.

Examples of "truth" in Sentences

  • We had heard the truth, I was sure, from Stillingfleet, but had we heard the _whole _truth?
  • There is a swift witness for truth in his bosom, which _will respond to truth_ when it is uttered with calmness and dignity.
  • So charity, or rather its possessor, is no willful truth “butcherer,” for charity believeth all things (_or all truth_); hopeth all things (_promised_); rejoiceth, not in iniquity, but in the truth.
  • Then, to make sure, we got hold of Mr. Jaffry, called on Mr. Ledbetter, who called in the business manager -- and your Uncle Martin told them that unless they printed the truth, and every bit of it, and printed it at once, he was going to put up the money to start an opposition paper that _would print the truth_.
  • 'In search of truth' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '\'In search of truth\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: It should come as no surprise that any reputable and unbiased media organization looking for expert Iran analysis would pay more than just lip service to vetting its sources and actually check the credentials of their pundits.
  • The religion which has taught men truth -- above all things, _truth_ -- which teaches utter horror of a lie, which insists on the bare, bald reality in heaven and earth, which has taught men hatred of the false as the meanest and most unmanly thing existing -- this religion took its rise in claptrap miracles, was puffed into popularity by boasting pretensions, was born in trickery and nurtured by legerdemain!

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