
IPA: tsɝˈinʌ


  • (historical) An empress of several Eastern European countries, especially Russia, or the wife of a tsar.

Examples of "tsarina" in Sentences

  • Page Summary timesygn: (no subject) [+3] tsarina: (no subject) [+2] fusijui: (no subject) [+0]
  • Page Summary tsarina: (no subject) [+0] whiskeychick: (no subject) [+0] ysabetwordsmith: Yes ...
  • Being tsarina, I'd require all 401 (k) trustees to sit through a course on their responsibilities.
  • The tsarina passed along to her son, Alexei, the gene for hemophilia that had been carried by Victoria.
  • If I were tsarina, I wouldn't let anyone hold more than 10 percent of his or her 401 (k) money in company stock.
  • He became so as he was her lover, and made sure to feed the Imperial bed once he got tired of the aging tsarina or she of him, more likely.
  • No one has named me tsarina yet, which is undoubtedly a relief to the companies that don't want workers poking into their policies on 401 (k) s.
  • As a state legislator he may have voted to let Henry Flagler divorce his dreaming mad tsarina of a wife, but Broward had a larger agenda, and it did not include helping out the big boys he was, after all, a rebel.
  • I don't know whether this "tsar" idea started over here (UK) or over there (US) but if the record of our drugs tsar, mental health tsar and the like are anything to go by, he (or might it even be a tsarina?) won't make any difference one way or another to the war.

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