
IPA: tsˈitsi


  • Any fly of the genus Glossina, native to Africa, that feeds on human and animal blood; known primarily as a carrier of parasitic trypanosomes.

Examples of "tsetse" in Sentences

  • Senegal to South Africa known as the tsetse-fly belt.
  • Kemp explained that the trypanosome parasite is transmitted by the tsetse fly.
  • This destructive fly, which is called tsetse, is a perfect scourge in some parts of Africa.
  • A team of scientists have made a revolutionary breakthrough on a parasite carried by the tsetse fly.
  • Vectors depending on terrestrial ecosystems, such as tsetse flies (Glossina ssp.), are often associated with specific types of vegetation.
  • The only symptom pointing to the tsetse is the arterial-looking blood, but we never saw it ooze from the skin after the bite of the gad-fly as we do now.
  • Another objection to traveling on either bank of the river was the prevalence of the tsetse, which is so abundant that the inhabitants can keep no domestic animals except goats.
  • Durban, the last three hundred or so of which we had to make on foot, owing to the frequent presence of the dreadful "tsetse" fly, whose bite is fatal to all animals except donkeys and men.
  • As Dr.P. J. du Toit, of the South African Veterinary Services, said in London, last month (September), when showing a colour-sound film of the spraying of tsetse-infested lands with DDT from the air: "The tsetse is the biggest problem in Africa".

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