IPA: tˈubʌɫ
- Of or pertaining to a tube, especially an anatomical one.
Examples of "tubal" in Sentences
- The risk of a tubal is so unnecessary for my wife and I.
- · For women, the operation is called a tubal ligation, which means to tie the tubes.
- I am not from Mexico or South America- does anyone know if the term tubal ligation is well know?
- About one in four U.S. married women opt for sterilization, also known as tubal ligation, or tube-tying.
- The surgery, known as tubal ligation, involves blocking the fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries with the uterus.
- Because of the tubal ligation I had after the twins were born, we needed to find a doctor who could perform a reversal, called a tubal reanastomosis.
- An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus, usually in the wall of a fallopian tube called a tubal pregnancy but sometimes in the cervix, ovary, or abdomen.
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