
IPA: tˈʌŋ


  • A tung tree.
  • Obsolete spelling of tongue both as language and as part of the body

Examples of "tung" in Sentences

  • It would be unfair to say, as many do, that Mao Tse-tung is not a patriot and a nationalist.
  • The other is at An-tung, which is important because of its situation on the Yalu River opposite the Korean frontier.
  • In some trees, such as tung, cessation of growth and the initiation of rest is caused by the change from long to short day-lengths.
  • By 1960, China was experiencing a full-blown depression of staggering proportions, a phenomenon which, according to Lenin and Mao Tse-tung is exclusively reserved for the decadent capitalist world.
  • Siding with Wilson as the controversy gained momentum, a Cambridge University classicist, Sir John Cheke, was equally repulsed by the recent developments: “I am of this opinion that our own tung should be written cleane and pure, unmixt and unmangeled with borowing of other tunges.”
  • Nana himself was a burly, fat-faced rascal with curly mustachioes and a shifty look - what they call a tung admi, * (* Literally, "a tight man".) dressed in more silks and jewels than a French whore, sliding his eyes across Moore and me and whispering behind a plump hand to the woman beside him.
  • Nana himself was a burly, fat-faced rascal with curly mustachioes and a shifty look — what they call a tung admi, * (* Literally, "a tight man".) dressed in more silks and jewels than a French whore, sliding his eyes across Moore and me and whispering behind a plump hand to the woman beside him.
  • Yung-p'ing-hsien lay over to the right, fifteen li from Ch'u-tung, which is protected from the elements by a bell-shaped hill at the foot of a mountain lit up with gold from the sinking sun, which dipped as I trudged along the uneven zigzag road leading across the plain of peas and beans and winter crops.

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