
IPA: tˈʌŋstʌn


  • A rare metallic chemical element (symbol W, from Latin wolframium) with an atomic number of 74.
  • A light bulb containing tungsten.
  • (mineralogy, obsolete) scheelite, calcium tungstate

Examples of "tungsten" in Sentences

  • Are metal alloys such as tungsten alloys not patentable?
  • Perfect! pure tungsten is a steel-gray to tin-white metal.
  • These elements - tungsten is one example - are found all over the world and in relative abundance.
  • Tungsten is mixed with carbon to make a very strong, very resistant material called tungsten carbide.
  • To start with the tungsten is chemically very reactive and the nitrogen roughens the tungsten surface.
  • Canadian production of copper, zinc, lead, nickel and tungsten is being expanded as rapidly as possible.
  • The closest they get to matching the tungsten is that dark amber color, which doesn’t look nearly the same.
  • But at the tip, where the electric field created by applying a voltage to the tungsten is at its maximum, N2 molecules are driven away.
  • Yes - For two key reasons Potential near-term tungsten primary producers face economic uncertainty and a credit crisis (difficulty in raising project financing) = Limited

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