
IPA: tɝbˈɪdnʌs


  • The state or condition of being turbid.

Examples of "turbidness" in Sentences

  • Yet, in the midst of the turbidness of adolescence, I was still two distinct personalities.
  • It possesses a slight degree of turbidness, and is esteemed for this property, which is considered to give it a retiring quality.
  • I think it will never be so disagreeable to me hereafter, now that I find this turbidness to be its native color, and not (like that of the Thames) accruing from city sewers or any impurities of the lowlands.
  • He threw a glance at it, and, without lifting his head from the stone, again let both his eyes rest fixedly on something -- both motionless, both veiled in a strange whitish turbidness, both as though blind and yet terribly alert.
  • In the second experiment turbidness was still produced by a solution of nitrate of silver in the tube containing the acid, but it was less distinct; in the third process it was barely perceptible; and in the fourth process the two fluids remained perfectly clear after the mixture.
  • Page view page image: this paper, it is wonderful that it was not spiritually distilled; that its essence did not arise, purified from all alloy of falsehood, from all turbidness of obscurity and ambiguity, and from a pure essence of truth and invigorating motive, if of any it were capable.
  • With such intense action of mind as he brought to bear on this paper, it is wonderful that it was not spiritually distilled; that its essence did not arise, purified from all alloy of falsehood, from all turbidness of obscurity and ambiguity, and form a pure essence of truth and invigorating motive, if of any it were capable.
  • If nitrate of silver, specific gravity 1.200 be added to ferro-tartaric acid, specific gravity 1.023, a precipitate falls, which is in a great measure redissolved by a gentle heat, leaving a black sediment, which, being cleared by subsidence, a liquid of a pale yellow color is obtained, in which the further addition of the nitrate causes no turbidness.

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