IPA: jukʌɫˈeɪɫi
- A small four-stringed guitar.
Examples of "ukulele" in Sentences
- Here in Hawaii the ukulele is still a large part of our culture.
- The ukulele is a cultural icon that is seen virtually everywhere here.
- The Hawaiians gave the instrument the name ukulele, which translates to ‘jumping flea.’
- The ukulele is not an instrument you normally associate with the blues; nor is the blues section where you'd expect to find a Cyndi Lauper CD.
- The ukulele, which was based on the four-stringed braginho or cavaquinhos from Portugal is an example of an earlier small-sized European guitar being introduced to a different society; the word ukulele is Hawaiian for "flea".
- Godfrey learned to play the ukulele from a Hawaiian shipmate while he was in the Navy, and when he went on television to promote the new plastic ukuleles, more than 9 million ukuleles were sold, in the second great-wave of ukulele popularity.
- One of the interesting things about practicing ukulele is that since I like to sing as well, finding songs to practice is a balance between what has manageable chords, and what has a melody I already know (hopefully it fits my vocal range as well).