IPA: ˈʌɫtʌmʌsi
- The condition of being ultimate
Examples of "ultimacy" in Sentences
- "ultimacy" but whether the claim is one that science can address.
- If 'ultimacy' is one resonance of adoring, being bodily is another.
- It seems fair this should at least be mentioned when we chest-beat about Olympic ultimacy.
- Jesus refused to ascribe ultimacy either to religious doctrines or traditions ... or to the claims of the state ...
- Regardless of his dismissive attitude towards worries about manipulation, the notion of ultimacy, and of an argument like the Source Incompatibilist Argument,
- But we are talking about hall of fame status here, a generalised ultimacy, and the ability to snake out and randomly thrill even the stoniest heart is a part of that.
- These were books written by writers who recognized the sentence as the one true theater of endeavor, as the place where writing comes to a point and attains its ultimacy.
- But he also warns that we humans are prone to idolatry, taking preliminary concerns that do not ground and determine our being and elevating them to a place of ultimacy in our lives.