IPA: ˈʌɫtʌmʌtɫi
- Indicating the last item.
- Indicating the most important action.
- (linguistics) Used to indicate the etymon at which a given etymological derivation terminates.
Examples of "ultimately" in Sentences
- "Politics" ultimately comes from the Greek word "polis" meaning state or city.
- KU point guard Sherron Collins said that this title ultimately would rank as his favorite.
- Which, no matter how you slice that, ultimately is code for he doesn't look like what an "American" should look like.
- The word ultimately translates into shrinking earnings power, which is a big factor in stock-market declines that have driven share prices to their lowest level in more than a decade.
- LAWRENCE: The Tour de France no longer considers Floyd Landis its champion, but the decision to strip him of its title ultimately will rest with the International Cycling Union -- Soledad.
- The title ultimately referred to Hurley literally writing the script to Empire Strikes Back in a Dharma composition book, as well as the overarching theme of Miles (Luke Skywalker) coming to grips with his estranged father Pierre
- We're not going to make a Victoria Beckham gag. comes undone is in the amount of content it has to offer; while we do not subscribe to the notion that length is more important than quantity, the title ultimately feels truncated and slight.
- For, according to the doctrine of interest, which is a term ultimately related to these other terms and equally emphasized with them, only that spiritual food can be expected to be truly assimilated by any person which appeals to his peculiar nature; all else fails of real nourishment, no matter how much drill may be given to it.
- But questions of more general nature have lately arisen, and these have tended to have a skeptical cast: whether any use of "aesthetic" may be explicated without appeal to some other; whether agreement respecting any use is sufficient to ground meaningful theoretical agreement or disagreement; whether the term ultimately answers to any legitimate philosophical purpose that justifies its inclusion in the lexicon.
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