
IPA: ʌnæksˈɛptɪd


  • Not accepted; unacceptable.

Examples of "unaccepted" in Sentences

  • Common grew up where homosexuality was unaccepted, but after gay fans told him how their lyrics affected him, he stopped.
  • Wounding problems generate frustration and hurt, they get worse over time, and they lead to feeling unloved, unaccepted, and misunderstood.
  • An apologetic phone call from Barack Obama and a new (and still unaccepted) job offer from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack should help end the media ...
  • The problem is that Israel claims “undivided Jerusalem” as its capital, and that is an extraordinarily contentious claim, unaccepted by virtually everyone except for Israel.
  • An apologetic phone call from Barack Obama and a new (and still unaccepted) job offer from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack should help end the media frenzy over the grotesquely unfair firing of Shirley Sherrod.
  • Since the site launched in mid-September, hundreds of people have uploaded their own videos about overcoming the difficulties of growing up feeling unaccepted by their peers, including Ellen DeGeneres, Eve and Sarah Silverman.
  • My apologies to you CNN moderators, in the interest of having my comment posted and my voice heard, allow me to rephrase my previous unaccepted comment: What an evil Rethugpigliklan, we should throw him and his redneck family in jail.
  • I've wondered often over the past couple of weeks about the effect that might have had on the psyche of the gay members of that classroom; forced every day to enter a hostile environment in which they felt socially isolated, and unaccepted.

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