
IPA: ʌnæknˈɑɫɪdʒd


  • Not acknowledged.

Examples of "unacknowledged" in Sentences

  • How many more servicemen were captured by the enemy and remain unacknowledged?
  • Dewey concludes the final chapter, and the book, by attributing art's greatest good to its exercise of "imaginative vision," leaning heavily on Shelley in evoking the "unacknowledged" influence of art.
  • That challenge to US nuclear policies took the form of the “nuclear freeze,” a movement that contributed in unacknowledged ways to the eventually successful goal of halting the insane US-Soviet nuclear arms race.
  • Currently complicating matters are the presence of bellicose politicians in Israel and their allies in the United States who believe it's fine to have "unacknowledged" nuclear weapons in Israel but it would somehow be a disaster in Iran.
  • Life and property were both swallowed up, leaving behind a deep-seated sense of enormous wrong, as yet unatoned and even unacknowledged, which is one of the chief factors in the problem now presented to the statesmen of both countries ....
  • Not coincidentally, this is the group most likely to become the target of the contempt and thus the very public venom of extremists on the far-right and the far-left, working in unacknowledged but full concert, keen to neutralize people they see as spineless, bloodless sell-outs.

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