
IPA: ʌnʌkwˈeɪntɪd


  • Not acquainted, unfamiliar (with someone or something).
  • (obsolete) Not usual; unfamiliar; strange.

Examples of "unacquainted" in Sentences

  • Uninformed fishermen, unacquainted with manatees, shot some of then.
  • But I was perfectly unacquainted with towns, and large assemblages of men.
  • But Miss Streaham 2007 (runner up) is surely not unacquainted with shops, is she?
  • But death in its more sordid and terrible aspects was a thing with which I had been unacquainted till now.
  • It was as if he walked in a new and monstrously populous jungle and was unacquainted with its ways and denizens.
  • Describing the cherished Hindu festival of Holi to the unacquainted is a bit like explaining the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving.
  • [Page 98] tempted to reveal matters with which, for the happiness of others, it is much better the public should remain unacquainted.
  • The whole spot is Hills and dales, the roads in places steep and overhung with wood, in short I can say with certainty the scene is such a one as your Suffolk neighbours are unacquainted with, and such a one as I never saw before.
  • But the real news was that I had gone on record with my sexual orientation, and the tempest this created in the media teapot was nothing short of mortifying, particularly for someone utterly unacquainted with the vagaries of celebrity.

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